LEAD Positions Application Information

Student Well-Being #1 Purpose

Thank you for your interest in becoming LEAD Scholars Academy Leadership Team member!

In order to apply for a position, applicants must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 and be in good standing with the program. Applicants must also attend the required retreats and register for the specific courses for Mentors and LSA/LEB which are outlined in the attached Leadership Booklet.

Students planning to participate in Sorority Recruitment may encounter conflicts with the August retreat dates. Please contact Fraternity and Sorority Life to request information about Sorority Recruitment dates and time.

Application Process

Students may apply for up to five (5) leadership positions. Be advised that a student cannot serve as a Mentor or LSA Board Member, at the same time. However, a student can apply to be a REEL Counselor and also serve as a Mentor or LSA Director at the same time.

The application requires students to rank their position preferences in order and answer the required essay questions for each position. Also, students must submit a resume and a statement listing any other positions they will hold or are applying to for the upcoming school year.

Students selected for interviews for any leadership position will be contacted about setting up an interview day and time.

Only the LSA Executive Director applicants must also obtain 50 signatures of current first or second year LEAD Scholars students. Blank signature packets can be picked up at the front desk of the LEAD Scholars office. All current LSA Board of Directors members and committee chairs are not eligible to sign the signature form.

LSA Executive Director Sheet 2024

Please see the Selections 2025-2026 Handbook to review position descriptions, requirements, responsibilities, and important dates to remember.

Application Form (click here to apply)

**** Please be note: we have been experiencing server errors when applications are being submitted.  If you have problems or questions, please contact us at leadscholarsacademy@ucf.edu or 407-823-2223.  Thank you for your patience. ****