Jenna Dovydaitis

Major: Political Science and Biology

Hometown: Orlando, FL

How are you involved in the UCF and Orlando community?

I built collegiate relationships as an Undergraduate Research Ambassador and international ones through my extensive work on Kurdish issues. As a leader, I fortified student ties as an Honors Symposium Instructor and represented my classmates’ concerns on a faculty-level as a nominated member of the University Honors Committee. Within the community, I broadened regional relations through the creation of UCF Young Scientists at our partnership elementary school in Parramore and deepened my global understanding through medical volunteerism with Orlando’s immigrant population at Grace Medical Home.


What are your goals after you graduate?                                                                         

In the fall of 2020, Jenna will further her education through the pursuance of a medical degree. After medical school, Jenna intends to specialize in emergency medicine to continue her work with the survivors of chemical warfare and other forms of weaponized science. Eventually, Jenna would like to transition into the government sector, where she hopes to participate in domestic and international science policy. This aspiration originated in a biosecurity and global health roundtable at the annual United States Military Academy’s Student Conference on U.S. Affairs in 2018.

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